Curriculum Construction in India | Education

This article provides a short note on Curriculum Construction in India:- 1. Meaning and Concept of Curriculum 2. Principles of Curriculum Construction.

Meaning and Concept of Curriculum:

Etymologically, the term curriculum is derived from the Latin word “currere” which means “run”. Thus curriculum means a course which one runs to reach a goal or destination. In this sense, education is considered as a race, with its aim as the goal, and curriculum as the course, leading to that goal. It is sometimes called a course of study.

It describes the ground which pupil and teacher cover to reach the goal or objective of education. So the term ‘curriculum’ refers to a group of subjects or courses of study arranged in a particular sequence, for instructional purposes in schools.

Curriculum Defined:


“Curriculum is a tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mould his material (pupils) according to his ideals (aims and objectives) in his studio (school)”.

Crow and Crow:

The curriculum “includes all the learners experience, in or outside school that arc included in a programme which has been devised to help him developmentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually and morally”.


Curriculum as the “funded capital of social experience” and this is utilized for the betterment of the people.


“Curriculum includes all those activities which are utilized by the school to attain the aims of education”.

The Secondary education commission (1952-53) says:

Curriculum does not mean only the academic subjects traditionally taught in the school, but includes the totality of experiences that pupil receives through the manifold activities that go on in the classroom, library, laboratory, workshop, play ground and in the numerous informal contacts between teachers and pupils.

So the modern concept of curriculum is more than that of old concept of curriculum. It covers all the wider areas of individual and group life. It encompasses all the meaningful and desirable activities outside the school, provided that these are planned, organised and used educationally.

It is more than text books, subject matter and the courses of study. Curriculum, in fact, is a means with which children adjust themselves to their environment. The acknowledgement of the fact that experience is the best teacher, has given a new approach to curriculum.

Principles of Curriculum Construction:

After knowing the meaning and definitions of curriculum, we may discuss some of the principles of curriculum construction which are as follows:

1. Principle of Child Centeredness:

Modern approach to curriculum construction should be paedocentric as well as democratic in the sense that the child should occupy a central position in the entire teaching learning process and he should actively participate in it. The child should be the key to all kinds of curricular programmes. His ability, interest, attitudes and needs should be considered at the time of curriculum construction.

2. Principle of Flexibility and Variety:

As recommended by Secondary Education Commission (1953), the secondary school curriculum should provide variety and flexibility. Modern curriculum should be constructed in consonance with the local and individual needs and conditions. There must be variety in the curriculum in order to cater to the needs of the individual.

The learners should be given freedom of choice in selecting subjects. The learners should not be compelled to take up a course of study under pressure. Individual differences among the students must be taken proper care of.

3. Principle of Correlation:

Various subjects in the curriculum should be properly coordinated and every subject must have some relation with other subjects which should be felt by teachers and pupils.

4. Principle of Integration:

The principle of integration is important for the development of all-round personality of the child. Various subjects included in the curriculum at a particular stage of education should be integrated like history, civics, geography as social studies. Various activities should be organised according to the principle of integration.

5. Principle of Community Service:

The modern curriculum should be related to community life. The needs and conditions of the community should determine the nature and content of curriculum. The curriculum should be so designed as to facilitate the optimum utilization of community resources for the development of education and the vice versa.

6. Principle of Values:

In the emerging society, a number of desirable values are to be inculcated in our children. So modern curriculum should provide for inculcating values of social, moral, spiritual, democratic and aesthetic.

7. Principle of Totality:

The Secondary Education commission has also highlighted this principle by suggesting that there must be totality of learning experiences that are given to the pupil through the manifold activities in the classroom and available in the library, laboratory, workshop, play ground and informal contacts between teachers In this way the entire life of the school becomes the curriculum that can touch the life of the students at all points.


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